5 Tips for Creating a Conscious Company Culture

Conscious company culture is the heart of a business.

And it can be the make-or-break factor in your long-term success.

Creating a positive company culture is an essential component of running a successful business – especially in today’s business landscape where employee turnover is high and the hiring pool is competitive – but a ‘conscious’ one transforms a business from the inside out.

So what is a conscious company culture?

A conscious company culture is built on authenticity, openness, collaboration, and personal growth. Infusing company culture with “consciousness” creates trust, respect for the employees so they feel valued, and becomes the foundation that shapes the way your business shows up in the world and generates success. It will attract and retain top talent, increase employee performance and productivity, reduce employee turnover, and establish genuine loyalty within the company.

It is the heartbeat of the company. Without a heart that pumps positivity, growth and purpose through a business’ veins, there will be continuous issues with the overall health and success of a business. 

So how do you incorporate a conscious culture into your company?

1. Celebrate People for Their Authentic Selves

In a conscious company culture, authenticity is highly valued. Employees should be encouraged to be themselves and to bring their unique perspectives and experiences to the table. Create an environment that is inclusive, non-judgmental and respectful of diversity, and celebrate people for their individuality.

To create a culture that is built on authenticity, leaders should lead by example. They should be genuine, open and transparent about their own unique experiences, challenges, and successes.

A culture that fosters a sense of individual acceptance, belonging, and purpose will encourage employees to be their authentic selves, to express themselves freely, and to work together in harmony towards your company vision. Allowing people to shine in their own rite has even been shown to create a 56% increase in productivity in the workplace.

2. Establish a Foundation of Trust and Vulnerability

Trust is the foundation of any strong relationship, and it’s no different in the workplace. Creating an environment of trust and encouraging vulnerability gives the employees a safe place to share their thoughts, feelings and ideas without the fears most employees have about telling the truth, such as judgment or retaliation.

To establish trust, leaders should be open and transparent about the company’s goals, challenges, and their own challenges and struggles – honest communication is one of the most important traits of an effective leader. Show that raw honesty is acceptable here – and never punish employees for honesty. If an employee shows honesty, even if it’s not what you want to hear, do not make the employee “regret being truthful”. Thank them for their honesty, and strive for a communicative and constructive interaction and resolution.

Trust is the currency of well managed teams.

– Steve Keating

To encourage vulnerability, company leaders should create opportunities for employees to share their stories, experiences, and challenges. This builds connection between your company and your employees. Without empathy, understanding, and a sense of being valued, your employees will feel disconnected from the company.

A company with a conscious core built on trust and loyalty will celebrate successes together and rise through challenges together. Building this foundational element within the inner workings of your company is a strategy every business should be prioritizing in today’s turbulent business landscape.

3. Prioritize Team Over Individual Goals

Prioritizing and achieving team goals creates a culture of responsibility and ownership, nurturing a sense of accountability where everyone takes pride in their work and strives to achieve their personal and team best. At times, working on team goals can be at the expense of individual goals, but individual success is often dependent on the success of the team.

Leaders should devote a substantial amount of time to communicate the company’s goals and vision, provide clear roles, expectations, and consistent feedback to employees to understand how they contribute to the team’s success. Encourage employees to prioritize collaborating together over tackling difficult issues individually and hold each other accountable for deadlines and completing tasks.

Your company culture should be a community – not a collection of individuals in their own silos. It’s critical your team as a whole fit together like the cogs of the inner workings of a clock. All gears need to be working in conjunction with each other in order to achieve results.

4. Embrace and Respect Opposing Ideas

In a conscious company culture, opposing ideas must be encouraged. Encouraging employees to challenge things may seem counterintuitive, but it provides much more benefit than negative. Opposing ideas can be opportunities for growth and innovation, create diverse perspectives, and most of all, foster a sense of respect and loyalty for employees in the company.

To embrace and respect opposing ideas, create an environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves. Leaders should establish clear, consistent and meaningful communication channels to give employees an opportunity to provide feedback. Encourage employees to ask questions, offer their opinions, speak to assumptions, and offer alternative solutions. This will create a culture of continuous learning and improvement, where everyone is encouraged to think critically and creatively. And, feel a sense of belonging.

There’s no magic formula for great company culture. The key is just to treat your staff how you would like to be treated.

Richard Branson

Conflict of ideas must be encouraged so employees feel valued and respected not just for engagement, but flourishment. In fact, a study in December 2022 confirmed that open dialogue and regular feedback as well as recognition of employee opinions, led to higher employee self-esteem and increased confidence in their work. 

5. Employees Need to Feel a Sense of Contribution

Employees want to feel like they are making a meaningful impact in their work – this is essential for creating a successful and productive work environment. Individuals should feel that they have purpose, and are appreciated for their contribution.

To foster a sense of purpose and contribution, create a culture that values personal growth, development, and learning.

Leaders should provide employees with opportunities to learn new skills, take on new challenges, and pursue their passions. They should also recognize and applaud the contributions of their employees, both individually and as a team. Create a work space of appreciation and recognition, where everyone feels valued and motivated to do their best work.

When the Limeade Institute looked into employee mindsets, they found that 97% of employees who experience workplace intangibles (like purpose and openness) are engaged at work.

Measuring the Consciousness of Your Company Culture

There are several ways to determine how conscious your company culture is, and measure the success of your inner community on the business. Some tactics to measure this are through employee surveys, team meetings, analyzing turnover rates, and productivity metrics.

Employee engagement surveys and meetings where employees can openly share their feelings and opinions can help you gain deep insight into how your employees feel about their work and the overall company culture. Turnover rates can clearly indicate whether your culture is attracting and retaining employees, along with whether you are employing the right fits for your positions, and tracking and measuring productivity metrics can show how your culture is impacting employee performance and output.

Creating a conscious company culture is essential for running a successful business. Fostering a conscious work environment not only leads to increased productivity and performance, but to employee fulfillment and purpose, creating a positive impact in the lives of those working for you. Companies with a heartbeat that encourages growth and innovation through meaningful connection, ultimately is what allows a company to thrive in our rapidly changing business landscape, and maintain a positive impact in the world.

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