Sustainable Brands is the premier global community of brand innovators who are shaping the future of commerce worldwide. Since 2006, their mission has been to inspire, engage and equip today’s business and brand leaders to prosper for the near and long term by leading the way to a better future. They provide digitally published news articles and issues-focused conversation topics, internationally known conferences and regional events, a robust e-learning library and peer-to-peer membership groups all which facilitate community learning and engagement throughout the year.
The MIT Sustainability Summit is an annual event that has grown to include more than 350 attendees ranging from professionals, academics, and students. The past Summits have featured discussions with thought leaders and expert practitioners such as Robert Eccles (Arabesque Partners), Tammie Arnold (Generation), Fedele Bauccio (Bon Appetit), Ray Offenheiser (Oxfam America), Jeremy Grantham (GMO), Jim Hanna (Starbucks), Mindy Lubber (Ceres), Nancy Gillis (GSA), Rick Ridgeway (VP Patagonia) and many more.