What physics has to say about God

The concept of God varies greatly from culture to culture and there are about as many definitions of God as there are religions on the planet.  What is the distinction between man’s experience of “gods” in the ancient past (as recorded by the spiritual texts from varying religious traditions) and the “God” as we might think of it today?  It is important note the difference between the lower-case “g” gods of myth and the capital “G” God that we think of as an all-knowing and all-encompassing “force” that is all of existence as we know it.

Perhaps man’s experience of “god” coming down from the sky or “heavens” in the ancient past was not “God” as we think of it at all but perhaps living, breathing, advanced sentient beings from another star system – a person just like us except from a civilization thousands, perhaps millions of years ahead of our own.  Would this being not seem “god-like” to ancient man?  Indeed, if you have been keeping up with the History Channels “Ancient Aliens” series, the evidence does seem to point strongly in that direction.  But more on these “gods” later.

Here is what two theoretical physicists have to say about what science is now telling us about the nature of “God”:





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